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World of Stories


Our Place Cookware Hacks: Time-Saving Tips for Busy Home Cooks

Have you invested in some quality Our Place cookware but feel you’re not using it to its full potential? As home cooks with busy schedules, we’re always looking for ways to save time in the kitchen without sacrificing flavor or nutrition. Maybe you received the Always Pan or Perfect Pot as a gift but haven’t quite figured out how it can revolutionize your cooking routine. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll share some of our favorite hacks, tips, and tricks for making the most of your Our Place collection. From prepping ingredients in a flash to one-pot meals and clever cleaning shortcuts, get ready to step up your cooking game. Your weeknight dinners just got a whole lot easier.

Streamline Meal Prep With the Our Place Always Pan

The Always Pan is a workhorse in any home kitchen. This do-it-all wonder can replace several single-use pans, saving you valuable prep time and storage space.

To make quick work of meal prep, use the Always Pan for multiple components of the same dish. For example, sauté aromatics like garlic and onions, then add veggies and protein to the same pan to make a stir fry. Or brown meat, remove, then sauté onions and make a pan sauce in the same pan.

The Always Pan’s nonstick ceramic coating means you only need a tiny bit of oil and cleanup is a breeze. Deglaze the pan with a little water or broth while the pan is still hot, then wipe clean with a sponge once cooled. For stuck-on bits, fill the pan with baking soda and water and let it sit before scrubbing.

The Always Pan’s deep sides and lid make it ideal for braising. Braise pork chops, chicken thighs, or beef short ribs in the pan on the stovetop or in the oven. The lid helps the meat stay tender by locking in moisture.

With a bit of creativity, the Always Pan can accomplish so much in a home kitchen. Use it as a double boiler to gently melt chocolate or make a custard, as a steamer to quickly blanch vegetables, or even as a shallow stockpot to simmer broths and soups. This pan helps turn cooking from a chore into an adventure.

Keep Your Our Place Knives Sharp With Pro Maintenance

To keep your Our Place knives razor-sharp, you’ll need to maintain them properly. Sharp knives make cooking so much more enjoyable and safe.

Honing Your Blades

Use an honing steel to realign the edge of the blade. Slide the blade along the steel using even pressure, pulling the knife towards you at a 15° angle. Do this on both sides of the blade, finishing with the cutting edge. Aim for 10-15 strokes per side. Honing removes burrs and keeps your edge aligned, so hone before each use.

Sharpening as Needed

Over time, honing won’t be enough – you’ll need to sharpen the blade to restore the edge. Use a whetstone or electric sharpener and sharpen at the same 15° angle you use for honing. Slowly slide the blade along the stone using even pressure, pulling the knife towards you. Do 5-10 passes on each side, checking your progress with each stroke. Rinse and wipe the blade to remove metal filings. Test the edge with a piece of paper – it should slice cleanly.

With regular honing and occasional sharpening, your Our Place knives will work like new for years to come. Keeping them in tip-top shape means safer, more efficient cooking and better results. And there’s no need to shy away from more challenging kitchen tasks when you have razor-sharp tools at your fingertips! What will you create?

Clean Your Our Place Cookware Like a Pro With These Hacks

Cleaning Our Place cookware is a breeze with these time-saving hacks.

Soak Stubborn Messes

For stuck-on foods like rice, grains, or beans, fill your pan with hot water and dish soap. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes or up to overnight. The mess will slide right off with little scrubbing required.

Use Salt For Stainless Steel

For stainless steel pans with stuck-on messes, make a paste from coarse salt and water. Scrub with the paste using a sponge or scrubber. Rinse well and dry completely to prevent water spots. The salt is a gentle abrasive that will lift the stuck foods without damaging the pan’s finish.

Simmer For Easy Cleaning

Fill pans used for sautéing or frying with water and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. The simmering action will loosen all the browned bits from the pan, making washing up a breeze. Be very careful when removing the pan from the heat, as the handles will be extremely hot. Drain the water and wash as usual.

Hand Wash Nonstick Pans

Our Place’s nonstick pans should always be hand-washed to protect the nonstick coating. Gently wash with a soft sponge or nylon scrubber and mild dish soap. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, strong detergents, and scrubbers which can damage the nonstick finish. Rinse and dry completely after each use to prevent water spots. With proper care, the nonstick coating should last for many uses.

Following these handy hacks will have your Our Place cookware sparkling clean in no time. Treat your pans well and they’ll serve you well for many memorable meals to come!


So there you have it, some simple hacks to help make cooking a little easier and quicker using your Our Place pots and pans. With a bit of prep, the right tools, and a few shortcuts, you’ll be whipping up delicious home-cooked meals in no time. Your kitchen will become a haven of efficiency where you can craft culinary masterpieces for friends and family with minimal hassle. And when the cooking’s done, clean-up will be a breeze. So get experimenting, be creative, and most of all, have fun in your kitchen – you’ve got this! Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to try out a few of these hacks for ourselves. Happy cooking!

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